Monday, February 11, 2008

Thank You

Hello Friends,

I'm writing to thank all of you who came out to our fundraiser at Curves on Saturday, January 26th. We had a nice turnout. We were so amazed to see that some of the Curves members who knew they couldn't make it out to the sale, left envelops with donations inside. In addition, many of my generous co-workers who continue to support Seeds of Love, offered medical supplies and donations without blinking. :::I love you guys::: To my dear friends and family who came from near and far to volunteer their time on a Saturday - I couldn't do this without you- Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the efforts of the precious few who took the time to come to Curves to drop off supplies for the Ostrander family. How thoughtful! The money raised has been sent to the Ostrander family, who I know will appreciate it.

Thank you to Michelle and Maria of Curves for having us there. I hope people took advantage of your generous "one-free week" giveaway! It got a bit stressful at a certain point because so many people were excited to shop and perhaps forgot that we were guests at Curves and that we were there for a very important reason! I didn't want us to overstay our welcome! In order for Seeds of Love to continue to host these incredible sales and work towards helping others, we need everyone to have respect for the merchandise, the space we are in, and each other. I hope you all understand where I'm coming from.

I don't know how to say this, but it saddens me to report that both babies, Kyle and Zack have passed away. I am attaching an email I just received from Rick, the grandfather of the twins. It begins with a post from Rich, Kyle and Zack's uncle and is followed by grandfather Rick's response and update. Please take the time to read it. We all have so much to be thankful for in our lives. I hope that our event and our emails helped to raise a little bit of awareness about Epidermolysis Bullosa, a terrible disease that no child should ever have to suffer through. This is an emotional loss for the Seeds of Love family.

Update: Sadly, little Zack joins his brother Kyle in peace

As I write this, my emotions are all over the place, as are the rest of my family. I am heartbroken and sad but at ease knowing they are at peace. But I can't help feeling angry as well, . I ask...why did this had to happen at all or was there something we could have done differently?

Just as January 30 will forever be Kyle's Angel Day, February 5th will forever be Zack's special Angel Day. It is the day in which he, in the comfort of his mother's arms, received the okay from his brother Kyle, that it was safe to follow him into a new EB Free place where blisters and pain do not exist. As I said with Kyle, his time with us was "way too short" but their impact on us will last a Lifetime. Having them in our lives has been an absolute blessing. They have taught me a lesson in humility and have given me a renewed appreciation for family and friends (both old and new, and those still yet to be made!) and for Life in general.

My special message to our little Angels:

Dear Kyle & Zack:
May you spread your wings and be free knowing that you touched the hearts of many people, and created many new friendships, and shined a light on an an issue that the world needs to be made aware of. As our new friend Beth Foley put it: "To me, they will always be "Team O2-- the Oxygen Brothers", who woke up a sleepy community to work that needs to be done." God bless you both. Love Uncle Rich


Son, What else can I say. I read your blurb on the EB Friends website to Kyle and Zack and it brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you found a way to say it so appropriately what these "angels" have done for our lives in such a short time!!! I am glad you gave me the permission to share this with everyone as I will use this as an update to everyone.

As Rich's email so eloquently states, Little Zach has joined his brother in a better place. As difficult as this is for all of the family, we are all convinced that they are better off because they won't have anymore suffering! These two "angels" have done more for the EB cause in their two short months on this earth than many of us could have done in a lifetime. They have brought a family together like none other and have brought so many new "friends" into our lives that would not have existed had it not been for them!!!! We thank you for that.

To all of you who have helped support the effort please don't let your passion die with Kyle and Zack!!! To those of you who were so gracious to get all these medical supplies thank you from the bottom of our hearts, but there are still so many needy EB families out there that can use them. We will continue to "pay it foward" and get the supplies that we now have to families that need them just like the families and friends that got them to Sue and Jerry when they were in such need for them. For those of you who still have medical supplies and want to deliver them, we will make sure they get to the needy familes. Otherwise go to (also known as EBMRF, Lorraine Spaulding) or or These are all great sites that we will support and ask that you do also. Obviously a few weeks ago we had no idea that Kyle and Zack were going to be with us for such a short time. They have earned their "wings" early and I just ask you all to keep them in your prayers and in your hearts. We know that they are in heaven!! This email is sooo difficult to write through the tears but I keep telling myself that through their spirit we will all continue the fight against this horrific disease. Again, thank you all for your support, as I don't think we could have gotten through this without it!!!

Eternally grateful
Rick Morrow and the Ostrander family

Thank you for reading, for caring, for shopping and for supporting Seeds of Love. We have so much work ahead of us. We hope to continue to help those around us, in whatever way we can, one family, one child at a time.

= (

Monday, January 21, 2008

Seeds of Love T-shirts have arrived!

It is official, Seeds of Love T-Shirts are now a reality! We received our first shipment today, which was so exciting! They look great. We did the small Seeds of Love logo on the front left, and the words Giving, Growing, Caring on the back. Can't wait to see people walking around with our shirts on. That's going to feel great. We'll have them at the sale on Saturday, so come check them out!
We dropped off some flyers at Curves today. The place looks so great since Michelle took over ownership. We're so excited to have them host our fundraiser. It really is a great place, for your body and your mind. And, it works! If you go at least 3 times a week, you'll see results. Without even changing your eating habits. Of course it helps if you do watch what you eat, but honestly, i see results at every weigh in!

Hug and kiss the ones you love!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sweet Julian Avery got his wings

Our hearts are heavy. Sweet little four and a half year old Julian Avery became an angel today. In March he had surgery to remove a brain tumor. He fought a brave fight, a fight that no child should have to endure. He passed away this morning. While we're incredibly sad, we take solace in the fact that he is now pain free. Free of cancer. He reminds us why we do what we do. He reminds us to take each day we're here, and healthy as a gift. Thank you Julian Avery, for reminding us to appreciate our lives.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Upcoming Fundraiser

We're getting ready for our next big fundraiser! You don't want to miss this one, trust us! This time we have more than great clothes, but cool things like decorative throw pillows, snazzy "Bed in a Bag" sets , bags, shoes and more! Our friends at Curves have been so kind to host our next event! Isn't that exciting?! Curves is under new management and they've done some great things with the place. A fresh new look and hip vibe make for a great place to work out your body and your mind. Us Seeds girls love our Curves! So if you've ever wondered what Curves was all about, now you'll be able to find out.
Another exciting thing to share- Seeds of Love T-Shirts will be available soon! We'll bring some down to the next fundraiser, so be sure to check them out. So mark your calendar, tell your friends and come join us for a great day! Love, Jennifer